When in Rome

Author: Jane Livingston

When In Rome

I visited the Notre Dame Rome Global Gateway this past week. During my visit I met with on-site technologists, administrative staff, and faculty. I was impressed with the  recent update of our classroom technology (great job Amanda and team!) and about other upcoming technology work as well as future needs. I also met with the director of the Gateway, Silvia Dall’Olio, and with faculty from the architecture program. I enjoyed hearing about the wealth of academic programs hosted by the gateway for undergraduate and graduate students with special programs in architecture and engineering and broader undergraduate programs for students across the university. The city was buzzing with people and activity during Holy Week. Still, when I was out with my husband Bert, a historian of ancient Rome who was here working on his research, we felt at home whenever we heard “Go Irish” from folks on the street who saw our ND gear.