Troy Marshall

Author: Elizabeth Zickgraf

Troy Marshall

Congratulations to Troy Marshall, Community IT Experience, for your RecognizeIT nomination. Here is what your nominator had to say:

I wanted to pass on some impressive observations I have about Troy with the Talend Upgrade project. He has really stepped up and demonstrated strong leadership with his developer team mates. He provides assistance and ideas to other developers in the dev 15 min. standup, the project GChat space, and during weekly working sessions. He is a very active contributor with a really positive, solution driven attitude. In addition, he has created a guide of best practices for Talend jobs at ND that incorporates his approaches and lessons, along with other ideas as time progresses, and eagerly shared it with the entire team. This doc is a great starting point for consistent guidelines and practices that Chris has wanted for all of EA. His collaborative approach has really been great and I do believe he is a significant contributor to the progress over the last couple of months. Thank you Troy, you are appreciated!