Lisa MacKenzie

Author: Chas Grundy

Lisa MacKenzie

Congratulations to Lisa MacKenzie, University Enabling Technology Services, on two RecognizeIT nominations for the same project. Here is what her nominator had to say:

“In mid June, Adobe announced they were changing the licensing model for our ColdFusion platform, which would have resulted in a net increase of tens of thousands of dollars. As such, Lisa proposed consolidating down from 19 instances to 11, assuming the same nominal effort as in the past. However, she soon discovered  that the legacy hard-coded and complex discrete SAML integrations prevented the applications from quickly moving from 1 server to another. She then pulled in her teammates who were simultaneously piloting a Deep Work approach to R&D and prototyping a new authentication approach using OIDC on ALBs. Through her collaborative efforts, she was able to consolidate all the ColdFusion 2018 applications to 4 servers, leaving 7 more to host the 3 legacy ColdFusion 2011 applications that, hopefully, will be retired before the next renewal. 

“Lisa persevered pulling varying groups of people together with extremely busy schedules, minimizing effort where possible to migrate and eliminate legacy code. This work not only minimized a significant cost increase, but also reduced the risk of undocumented and complex custom coding with "frozen" architecture, defined a new design pattern for authentication, AND set the stage for a less complicated platform upgrade in 2023.  Thank you Lisa and everyone that helped—it was a herculean effort and is much appreciated!”

“Lisa MacKenzie blew us away with her response. Lisa had her DEV and Test systems patched that same day. She coordinated a short outage window and applied updates late at night. We are impressed and grateful to have such a talented technologist managing our systems, especially the ones with frequent vulnerabilities. Thank you Lisa for being awesome!”