IT Fellows Support Technicians

Author: Elizabeth Zickgraf

Fellows Spotlight

Welcome to our first cohort of IT Fellows Technicians! We hired two from our Help Desk Dispatch Program and two from our local community. We are so excited to have you!

Poojitha Pulipaka 

Poojitha previously worked as a Senior Process Associate and as a Technical Support Executive. She first started working for Notre Dame from October 2022 as a Temp/OnCall for OIT before moving over to the new Fellow Support Technician program. 

Her favorite thing to do is travel, and her favorite spots are Niagara Falls and New York City. She enjoys cooking Indian food with her 2 year old son, Prakul, who helps her make Roti (Cooking Teacher of the Week with Poojitha, anyone?). She also loves spending time with her sister playing board games and badminton during the summer. Fun fact: Poojitha has visited Niagara Falls twice in three years! 

Dylan Rankin
Dylan is a South Bend native and graduated from Ball State University in 2022. He enjoys camping and regularly camps near a lake in southern Michigan. He also enjoys creating ceramics and has been fixing up a vintage car. Fun fact: Dylan used to host a radio show on the student radio station at Ball State!

Davis (Zhiguo) Li
Davis was born and raised in Xinjiang, the Uyghur/Chinese Muslim region. He went to college in Tianjin and during his sophomore year, he studied abroad at IUSB through a special collaboration between the two institutions. Davis always wanted to visit abroad so this was the perfect opportunity. Interestingly, the South Bend climate is very similar to his hometown, so he’s very used to our weather. After graduation, he came back to the area to live permanently. It's been almost 10 years and he’s very glad to call South Bend his second home!

Davis is (“only”) fluent in English and Mandarin but also studied Japanese and Russian in college and self-studied both French and Spanish. Fun fact: Davis can say "I love you" in 10 languages!

Calvin Macon
Calvin has been an IT Field Technician for 2 years at Notre Dame and earlier this year joined the OIT Help Desk Team. After hearing about the Fellows Support Technician position, he wanted to expand his skills and knowledge, while staying within IT at Notre Dame. In his free time, Calvin enjoys playing basketball, building websites and watching sports. Fun Fact: Calvin knew our very own Carmen Works when he was a kid! They reconnected at Coffee, Tea & Meet last month!