Heather Marshall

Author: Chas Grundy

Heather Marshall

Editor's note: This issue’s featured employee is Heather Marshall! She grew up in San Bernardino, California for most of her childhood, and moved to South Bend, Indiana as a teenager. There were many things she enjoyed about living in California, but the weather, mountain views and the palm trees still make her smile when she thinks of them.

Where did you grow up? What did you enjoy about it?
I grew up in San Bernardino, California for most of my childhood, and moved to South Bend, Indiana as a teenager. There were many things I enjoyed about living in California but the weather, mountain views and the palm trees still make me smile when I think of them.

What is one memorable childhood experience?
One Christmas a neighbor drove his truck up the mountains and loaded his truck bed with snow and dumped it in the streets so all of us kids could play in the snow for a short time until it all melted, it was so much fun.

What were/are some of your favorite hobbies?
I enjoy baking especially during the holidays and getting out in nature with my family whenever I can. 

How did you get into IT?
I have been working at Notre Dame for the past 15 years in the Division of Student Affairs, Residential Life office. When this position became available it caught my attention, as OIT has been a Division that interests me, so I applied and as they say, the rest was history.

What are a few of your family’s favorite things to make to eat?
Thanksgiving has always been a favorite meal to make as my family and I enjoy making sides like homemade apple sausage stuffing and cranberry pear relish to go along with our Turkey. Another dessert I enjoy making is Aunt Emma’s carrot drop cookies, after all if a cookie is made with carrots it can't be bad for you right?

What is something you think is the most unique about you?
I am not sure if this truly qualifies as unique or not, but I have fraternal twins.