Google and Box Account Recovery Team

Author: Taylor Garrett

Google And Box Team
Congratulations to the Google and Box Account Recovery team for their RecognizeIT team nomination.
Team lead: Michelle Johnson
Team members: Lauren Ajamie, Jeff Critchlow, Michele Decker, Paul Drake, John Kelly, Marty Klubeck, Derek Owens, Matt Smith, Paul Wehner,  Helen Hockx-Yu.
I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude to everyone for their invaluable contribution to the recovery of files from recently deleted Google and Box accounts. Through the collaborative efforts of this remarkable team, we handled requests from 83 faculty and staff and successfully restored 12K out of the 44K+deleted accounts.

As we move forward, this effort has highlighted the significance of preparing and educating the Notre Dame community about the importance of managing account lifecycles and fostering a change in behavior when it comes to how faculty, staff, and students stores files when collaborating on research, projects, and other critical academic and business endeavors. I am sincerely grateful for your dedication and commitment in supporting our campus partners. Thank you once again for your outstanding efforts.