From the CIO: New Roles in Stewardship

Author: Jane Livingston

In the last IT Insights, I described the importance of IT Stewardship and how it aligns our work to support the new ND strategic framework at Notre Dame. Now, I would like to introduce you to some of the new roles that have been created to help support IT Stewardship and make it successful:


Diagram showing how IT Stewardship roles feed into the stewardship process. Departments on the left work with the PSM and SPP to build strategic plans, roadmaps, and business cases before those projects move to the committees for review.


The Partner Success Manager (PSM) works with departments on a daily basis to deliver technology solutions that meet their strategic and operational needs.

The Stewardship Portfolio Partner (SPP) manages the collection of proposals for the IT Stewardship committees. The SPP works closely with departments and their PSM to help them create roadmaps and build business cases to meet their strategic IT needs. Note: The SPP does not necessarily manage projects within the portfolio for their committee(s).

The IT Lead is a senior IT leader who partners with the stewardship committee chair and the SPP to set agendas, facilitate project prioritization, lead discussions, answer questions, offer suggestions, and raise questions. IT Leads can help lead the committee through influence, and with subject area expertise that the Chair may not have.

The Enterprise Portfolio Manager (EPM) is a singular role that oversees the enterprise portfolio to ensure that proposals within each portofolio align with each committee’s charge. The EPM manages reporting and data analytics in support of IT Stewardship and directs proposals to the appropriate stewardship committee. The EPM also oversees the intake processes, balances capacity and demand, and helps to put together scenario investment portfolios for consideration by the IT Executive Committee.

Committee Highlight: Technology Advisory Group

In the graphic below, the Technology Advisory Group (TAG) is included in the blue bar as a committee that supports the entire IT Stewardship structure. The TAG oversees the execution of the entire portfolio of approved projects and acts as a prioritization body similar to the pillar committees for projects that do not reach the threshold for a pillar committee. TAG guides the execution of University IT investments that promote a positive experience, industry best practices, efficient use of resources, and security for the Notre Dame community.

Some of the key responsibilities of TAG include:

  • Reviewing, prioritizing, and resourcing programs and projects to maintain critical IT services

  • Managing the demand for OIT resources to support the university's IT efforts

  • Setting the cadence and pace for project delivery

I chair the TAG committee with support from Katie Rose (IT Lead) and Julie Pawlak (SPP). You can see more information about TAG, including the membership, charter, and recent updates on the TAG webpage.


A depiction of the IT Stewardship program with pillars and levels describing the committees.


I hope this overview of these new roles helps orient you to some of the new conversations we are having as we receive and propose projects. These new roles are critical to our success in planning for and stewarding the University’s IT investments.

Yours in ND,
