Enhance Account Security with 1Password

Author: Lenette Votava

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Keeping track of account passwords can be tricky. Creating a new password for every account, and remembering which password is for what account can be challenging.

Now, there is a simple, secure way to create and manage your account passwords—all in one place—through 1Password.

“The Office of Information Technologies (OIT) has committed funds to make a password manager tool available to faculty, staff, and students at no cost,” said Leilani Lauger, the University’s Chief Information Security Officer. “Bringing 1Password to Notre Dame is part of our ongoing effort to offer resources that help strengthen security practices at work and at home.” This valuable service is available to faculty and staff now, and will be made available to students in August 2023.

Why use a password manager?

  • 81% of breaches are associated with weak and reused passwords
  • 50% of people use the same passwords for work and personal email accounts, leaving them more vulnerable than if each account had a unique password.
  • The average person has between 70-100 passwords to remember 

A password manager is the easiest way to store and use strong passwords, sign in to apps and websites, and fill in forms securely with a single click. 1Password offers this convenience as well as other valuable benefits including:

  • Creates unique and strong passwords for all your accounts.
  • Valuable optional feature called Watchtower helps you find weak, reused or compromised passwords and update them. Watchtower notifications will send you an alert when a website you use has been breached.
  • Access to a family account to help keep your entire family safe online and share logins, passwords, credit cards, personal documents and more. It can also help you keep your work and personal accounts separate.

“The Office of Information Security team recommends anyone eligible for 1Password register for this valuable security tool,” Lauger said. “Not only is 1Password easy to adopt and use, it will actually make work simpler.”

Additional details about how to register about 1Password and its features are available on this 1Password information page.

Originally published by Lenette Votava at oit.nd.edu on May 22, 2023.